Homepreschool and Beyond

*Relationship *Routine *Readiness *Reading Aloud

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  • A Balanced Approach:

    Homepreschool and Beyond will give parents the knowledge they need to find “balance” for their family. Find out what young children need to know—and how to teach it. Gain the confidence you need to relax and enjoy those precious preschool years—and beyond.

    “Susan Lemons gives you the blueprint…”

    • 26 Chapters
    • Covers all areas of development
    • Covers all areas of curriculum
    • For a ages 2-8
    • Developmentally appropriate
    • Literature based
    • Spiritual and character building emphasis

Goals for the Balanced Mom

(Note:  This was orginally a blog post; I added it as a tab because I don’t want anyone to miss it…it’s just too important!)

          This is a list of goals I am going to post on my Fridge this year.  I hope they will help me become a more balanced mom.  Maybe they’ll help you, too.

1.  Relationships come first. I’m going to work on building stronger relationships between my children and the Lord; myself and the Lord; my children and myself, as well as between siblings.  (Make the main thing the main thing.) 

2.  Character:  I’m going to help my children develop Godly character and habits through example, training, reading, and discussion.  Specific goals:  I want to emphasize loving others, being considerate of others (the Golden Rule), working cheerfully, and consistent obedience. 

3.  Routine:  Settling in to a simple daily routine of what comes next will help me accomplish my daily goals and keep me sane.  I’m going to work at being more consistent and sticking to all my routines this year, including my homemaking routines. 

4.  Readiness:  I am going to observe my children carefully, watching for signs of readiness and emerging skills/abilities. I want to encourage without pushing. 

5.  Reading aloud:  This year I want to double the amount of time we spend reading aloud.  We are going to read chapter books after lunch and before bed.  Books on my reading list: Charlotte’s Web, Mouse and the Motorcycle, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, A House Inside Out, Mr. Popper’s Penguins, My Father’s Dragon, Misty of Chincoteague, Encyclopedia Brown, various animal books written by Thorton Burgess, Kildee House, and more. 

6.  The fun stuff:  This year I want to make sure to allow enough time for play, art, music, science play/experiments, and the other “fun stuff”.  My goals are to provide art for my children at least two days a week, learning games three days a week, and music five days a week.  

7.  Play: I’m going to make sure my children get plenty of outside play—everyday, if possible.  I’ll encourage their play by playing with them and by providing play props (cardboard boxes to make a city, sidewalk chalk, bouncy balls, jump ropes, etc.)

 8.  Nature: I’m going to spend more time outside doing nature study with my kids.  We’ll start in our own backyard with the book, One Small Square: Backyard, and then move out from there. 

9.  Academic goals:  Our general academic goals include continuing to grow a simple a base of knowledge about the world; reviewing past concepts learned; developing a large vocabulary; lengthening their attention spans, and mastering the three R’s.

10.  Friday School:  Friday school is going to be special and different from the other days of the week at our house.  Fridays are set aside for life skills (housework), field trips, park days, nature walks, messy art projects, socializing (having friends over to play or do school projects together), and so on. 

11.  Eternal perspective:  I aim to keep an eternal perspective, remembering that there is NOTHING more important I could be doing with my time right now than staying at home and teaching my children.  I will remind myself that what I am doing has eternal implications.

        If the Lord tarries, our “daily grind” may have implications for hundreds of years to come.  Even if the Lord comes back soon (which I fully expect), our lives will have influenced other eternal souls (our children.)  May He find our lives pleasing to Him.  May He see that our children know Him.  I hope to be able to stand before the Lord someday, unashamed of what I have taught my children–through word and through deed.

© 2010 Susan Lemons all rights reserved.   

8 Responses to “Goals for the Balanced Mom”

  1. Amy Rosa said

    You are a blessing to so many of us who glean from you and your wisdom. I thank God for giving you and all that He has shown you that you can teach us!!

    Thanks so much
    amy rosa

  2. Kathy in CA said

    Thank you. You are right – it is so easy to get caught up in the “my kid knows more than yours / my kid is falling behind” nonsense. I KNOW all kids are different. I try to reassure other moms not to sweat it if their child doesn’t seem to know as much as mine – all while worrying inside that my daughter doesn’t know as much as some other kid. Thank you for helping me remember to let her be a little kid while she still IS a little kid.

  3. Candace S Marshall said

    Thank you for all the information. My oldest is almost five and I’m starting homepreschool this year and find your website encouraging and useful. Your goal list puts the big picture into perspective. Thank you, Candace

  4. Anne said

    From reading your goals I can see you have your priorities in order. May the Lord continue to give you wisdom as you train up and disciple your children. May your children grown up to love the Lord with all their hearts and may they always honor you and your husband. Blessings, Anne

  5. Janell said

    I found your blog because I was googling classic book lists for preschoolers. I have been reading all through your blog today and have been very blessed by your approach, tips, and piorities. I am new to the whole “homeschooling” thing and I am very excited about starting K4 with my son this fall. Everything you laid out was exactly what I needed to get my feet off the ground. THANK YOU!!! I am printing this list off for my fridge as well. God bless!

  6. twincessmamma said

    I need to print this for myself as well. Thank you for being a Titus 2 woman, encouraging us young mothers to love our children!

  7. Janet said

    Amazing!! Thank you for this great reminder !

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