Homepreschool and Beyond

*Relationship *Routine *Readiness *Reading Aloud

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  • A Balanced Approach:

    Homepreschool and Beyond will give parents the knowledge they need to find “balance” for their family. Find out what young children need to know—and how to teach it. Gain the confidence you need to relax and enjoy those precious preschool years—and beyond.

    “Susan Lemons gives you the blueprint…”

    • 26 Chapters
    • Covers all areas of development
    • Covers all areas of curriculum
    • For a ages 2-8
    • Developmentally appropriate
    • Literature based
    • Spiritual and character building emphasis

4R’s: Routine

        Preschoolers need a regular daily routine…in fact, they rely on it. Bedtime, naptime, story-time, meals and snacks should be at pretty much the same time everyday. A regular routine gives preschoolers security, and keeps them on an even keel emotionally.

         This routine shouldn’t be timed to the minute—that could turn it into a slave driver. Simply knowing “what comes next” is enough.

         Young children should be brought into your routine as much as possible: Have your little ones “help” you make beds, sort laundry, and pick up toys. True, the beds won’t be made as neatly as you might like, but helping gives children a feeling of importance and of being needed. Letting your children work with you will also give you the opportunity to teach and train your children how to work—and how to work with a good attitude.

        Here is a sample routine for a child aged two-three:
Wake up, cuddle with mom
Brush teeth, get dressed
Worship/Bible story/devotional
Chore time with Mom
Music/Finger plays
Story time
Playtime, outside preferably
Quiet, indoor playtime
Clean up, and get ready for nap
Story time
Wake up, cuddle with Mom
Directed playtime (Mom pulls out specific play activities, games, or art activities)
Outside playtime (as long as is possible)
Playtime with Dad
Quiet playtime indoors
Bath time
Story time (Both Mom and Dad)
Pray with Mom, then Dad

A sample routine for children aged four-five:
Wake up, cuddle with Mom
Brush teeth, get dressed
Worship/Bible story/devotions
Chore time
“Homepreschool” time:
-Music, finger plays
-Story time
-Activity: Art OR game OR cooking experience OR science experiment OR directed play
-Playtime, outside
Clean up before nap
Story time
Nap OR quiet time
Wake up, cuddles with Mom
Directed play time (Mom pulls out specific play activities, games, or art activities)
Play time, outside (as long as possible)
Play time, inside—play with Dad
Clean up before dinner
Quiet play time
Story time (with Mom AND Dad)
Pray with Mom, then Dad

        Develop a routine that works for your family. Start by deciding when to have your meals, snacks, nap and bedtime. Then fit the rest of your activities inbetween. Routines should alternate between active and more quiet activities, and from inside to outside.

         Remember, a routine shouldn’t be a slave driver. But it should be something you and your children can relay upon to help you keep your day in order.

Excerpts from Homepreschool and Beyond:  A Comprehensive Guide to Early Home Education, used with permission.  All rights reserved. 

One Response to “4R’s: Routine”

  1. I love it! Great to know that there are like minded people that don’t think we are ‘strange’ in our daily activities/schedules!
    Mom of 3.


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